Miami's Best-Kept Secret for Saving Money
Download Citymapper, tell us where you want to go and we'll give you the most affordable, efficient way to get there.
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for iOS and Android
Find Metrobus, TriRail, MetroMover stations, schedules and stops with Citymapper
Compare transit options
Enter your destination and see routes tailored to your needs. Compare by arrival time, shortest walking distance and more. Discover routes you never knew existed.
Stress-free commute
Save your Home & Work locations for lightning-fast trip planning. Know when to leave based on live bus and metro arrival times. Avoid service issues and route around diversions in real time.
Never miss your stop
Get alerts at every step of your trip. Follow your bus or train location on the map, and get in and out from the best exit. See the progress of your trip without unlocking your iPhone with Live Activity.
"If you’re taking public transit, this app is vastly more intuitive. It makes it easy to see different route options, and knows which stops and transfers you need."
LentilSaviour, Citymapper user
Miami, New York, Los Angeles and beyond.
Go anywhere in the city with Citymapper.
Ideal for bikes and scooters
Pick between fast and quiet routes that prioritise bicycle lanes. Navigate safely and keep your eyes on the road with turn-by-turn voice instructions. No sweat!
Track your CO2 savings
Visualize the positive change you're making by choosing transit, making a real difference for your city and the planet.
Loved by millions
Tells me where to go exactly. Has helped me alot with bus times and in general better than any bus app.
Jeremy M
This app is amazing. I knew nothing about the transit system for years. I download this app and it’s like I knew about it all along.
Best way to get around a city - just say where you want to go and you will get many options.
Get the Citymapper app today
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